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Can I multi-level teach SOTW Book 3


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Ladies, help!

I have a 5th grader and a 2nd grader....

I haven't taught my younger son any history yet. This is his first official year with history. I had a wise idea of lumping them together this year with SOTW 3. Am I short changing my younger boy? Do you think I could just go ahead and teach them both the same thing?

If I do.. what other activities can I do with my 5th grader?

I have always just done the map it, coloring.. some projects and some stories that I find in the library.


Any thoughts? Thank you for all the help.



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I am using Volume 3 with a 3rd grader and a 6th grader. For my 6th grade DS, he has to answer the questions by writing them, not orally. I also require him to keep a detailed time line. These are on top of the recommended reading, maps, etc. I keep meaning to implement some of the WTM's Great Books list, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

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Yes, you definitely can! I have been doing this for the past 2 years. Currently I have a 3rd grader and a 5th grader doing SOTW 2. My older daughter has a much meatier reading list than my younger daughter and outlines her Kingfisher reading once or twice a week. When she isn't outlining she is required to write a one page summary on the SOTW reading. We keep a detailed time line, as well. Both daughters do the map and coloring page.


I don't think you are shortchanging your younger boy at all. He will get a lot out of the reading, maps, and coloring pages.

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What do you mean by outlining from Kingfisher?

For the life of me, the timeline is soo confusing to me. I am from the Philippines and have never ever dealt with this.. do you have a timeline that you like and is easy to understand?


Thank you for your suggestion and the encouragement.



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Hi Maria!


My oldest 2 worked through the Remedia outlining workbook this summer. So when she does the assigned reading from the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia I have her outline the sections on the page. Just a main topic and 2 or 3 subtopics underneath. Eventually she will flash the reading out more, but this is about what she can handle now.


For a timeline we are LOVING the History Through the Ages Record of Time. along with the timeline figures. The figures include the dates right on them, so placement in the book is easy.


I hope this helps some. For what it's worth, we didn't start a timeline until last year. My children just didn't "get" it. So depending on your child's age, you may want to wait.:001_smile:

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