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Co-op Suggestions for Prek/k or 1st/3rd?


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The co-op we attend needs a teacher for the above grades. I taught the Prek/k class last year and we just went through the alphabet and focused on two letters each class along with a story and craft incorporating the letter we were studying. I have NO clue as to what I could teach this year. I need some ideas! I need a book or something to go by because I don't want to be searching EVERY class for ideas and crafts. I could either teach the prek/k OR 1st-3rd. Do you have any suggestions for those age groups in a co-op setting that are affordable? The classes will probably run about 10 students max in either of the classes. Thanks!

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For PreK we always do one period (we have 3) where we focus on one book, talk about the story, characters, setting ,etc. , then we do a craft based on that book that helps with fine motor control, writing, gluing or cutting practice, or it could just be fun.  For example if you read Corduroy you could have a craft where the kids "sew" big buttons onto a precut pocket (large buttoms, embroidery thread and plastic needles) and then they glue the pocket onto a cut out of Corduroy wearing his overalls.  When we did Caps for Sale we mad paper hats out of large brown paper bags and let the kids decorate them and we also had the teachers all bring in different kinds of hats and they sorted and counted them. You can find tons of ideas like these on Pinterest. 


You could do a figurative language class for the 1st-3rd.  Read a story each week that highlights specific figurative language then teach and play games to focus on that element.  We did idioms, hyperbole, metaphor, simile, personification, onomatopoeia, alliteration, and a couple others that I can't remember.  Again, I found all the books and activities for this class on pinterest. I just searched "books to teach idioms" and then "activities to teach idioms" and found many, many resources.  

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Last year our pre-k classes were Community Helpers (I taught that one), a music & movement class and an art class. This year they are doing Letter of the Week (carrying over to the next semester), Movement & Motor Skills & Storybook Adventures.


For 1st-3rd this year 

1st Grade Class Choices

The Joy of Good Behavior, Beginning Piano, Physical Education, Let's Make A Mess, On Stage, Dinosaurs, Basic Rhythm Class, Crafts for Kids, Song School Latin, What's In the Sky?, Science Experiments, Basic Cooking Skills

2nd Grade Class Choices

The Joy of Good Behavior, Beginning Piano, Physical Education, Let's Make A Mess, On Stage, Dinosaurs, Basic Rhythm Class, Crafts for Kids, Song School Latin, What's In the Sky?, Science Experiments, Basic Cooking Skills, Crazy Kid Concoctions, American Girl History

3rd Grade Class Choices

Basic Cooking Skills, Crazy Kid Concoctions, American Girl History, Physical Education, On Stage, Legos, THINK! Creative Team Building, Beginning Electricity, Beginner Sewing, Greek Language 


Unfortunately none of these are taught straight from a book. Most of them are put together by the parent/teacher along with a co-teacher. For the 1st-3rd graders you could do Road Trip USA from Erica over at Confessions of a Homeschooler. We did that last semester with that age group and they loved it. Or it could have been for 1st and 2nd. Either way, it was a fun class. We did teach it over the course of two semesters and did cover a couple to a few states per class. That one is all put together for you. All you have to do is buy the curriculum and gather supplies. 


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Pre-K that would be easy to do a Literature/art class combined:  could do Homeschoolshare.com pick a book for the week and do a simple craft or activity.  Could use Before Five in a Row or Five in a Row and in-cooperate activities with the book.  Could do a science class using different living books and reading them the story and doing a science experiment!  That would be so fun!  Ideas for books:  Mudpies to Magnets, Selsam books my kids love the Forest Book, Greg's Microscope, etc.  Or could do a straight art class focusing on different mediums, no book comes to mind right off but would be easy to implement.  HTH


1-3 Grades could do Literature using FIAR, a Science class could do many things some suggestions to use:  Outdoor Secrets by SCM has a companion lesson plans, 106 Days of Creation (could just pick which lessons to do).  Could also do an art class, history class, ideas are endless.  Hope this gives you a few ideas.  :)

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Thank you for your suggestions. I have been directly asked to teach the 1st-3rd grade class now. This is probably a silly question, but the Homeschool Art Studio DVD's can't be used in a co-op setting, can they? I was thinking something to do with art but need something affordable that doesn't include expensive items as I will more than likely have at least 15 in my class this year. I'm still undecided and the leader of the co-op needs my class info in the next couple of days, so anyone else have any more ideas??? Someone else is already doing Five in a Row. Thanks!

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