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Spelling Power CD-ROM

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I received my used copy of Spelling Power and the Teacher's Resource CD-ROM was broken in half. I know I can buy one from the publisher for $8 including postage but only if I need it. How useful is it? I understand there are blackline masters on it which I believe we can live without.

What I'm curious about is the searchable word list and the Digital Spelling Tutor. I can see where the searchable word list could be helpful. BTW I will be using this with 11yo and a 15yo struggling speller.


Can someone describe the Digital Spelling Tutor to me.



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I always print my spelling list paper from there, but who.knows.why? It is just two-columned lined paper. That may well be all I've ever used electronically for this program. My two are 10, and we are just slowly progressing through the lists. Sorry I don't have more to report, but maybe that helps answer your question anyway.

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