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I know this thread is a couple months old, but thought I'd chime in.  We used these last year (a partial year since I pulled DD from PS half way through the year).  DD (who is going into 6th this year) preferred these books because she was new to reading textbooks, and the way these books are formatted with the workbook-like fill-in spaces mixed in with the text, she knew right away if she was getting the concept.  She would get so frustrated with other textbooks where she didn't realize she missed something until the end of the chapter and she'd have to back-track and feel like she's bad at science.  Also, you can mix and match what you want to do in a year (we used the modules).


At the end of each section there is a space where the child can write what they feel they need extra help with.  DD homeschools at my job, so I'm not right there.  For some reason, she would write there what she didn't understand (example, she had a hard time grasping the concept of controls in experiments) but would be hesitant to tell me to my face LOL.  


The layout is magazine style which DD found interesting and stimulating.  Another child might find it distracting and over-stimulating :)  Depends on the child.  The layout is similar to National Geographic books, as an example.  DD loves the National Geographic books and almanacs, so these books were right up her alley.  High, intensely colored with snippets of information in the margins.


One drawback, though, is that it is hard to figure out what modules to piece together to make a subject.  As in, what books would make up a biology, or earth science, or physical science course.

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I bought mine used on Amazon for a few dollars. Like this one: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0133684881/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1438776123&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SY200_QL40&keywords=pearson+interactive+science&dpPl=1&dpID=51J86Od5SyL&ref=plSrch


They're about 1/2" thick. We have the Human Body Systems one too.

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