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Bible study plan - feedback? (CLE, BSGFAA, R&S)


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I think I'm having some hesitation because I'm afraid I might be trying to add too much. I'm still relatively new to homeschooling (this has been my second full year and next year will be my first one with my 7-year-old) and to teaching Bible in the home. We talk about it, read to them until they can read well themselves, but I haven't ever really taught it and did not grow up in a home where the Bible was taught. So I need a helping hand or three.


So my intention with these choices was to have each DD (7 and 12) do their own individual study/lesson with limited review/teaching with me. Ideally, a journey through the Bible in more-or-less chronological order (plenty can be skipped as long as we get the general view).  For younger DD I was going to start with CLE Bible 2, primarily based on how independent it is (and the fact that I'm planning to do CLE LA, Reading, and Math too). THere's a lot that I love about CAP's God's Great Covenant, especially the covenantal emphasis that it keeps pointing to, but...CLE looks more independent? I was trying to go through GGC with older DD because I was so impressed with the vision/direction it was going in, but it wasn't a good fit as it was too easy so we were trying to do it double- or triple-time. And we weren't really getting to it, perhaps because we weren't getting that much out of it, but it still felt like I needed to put in the presentation/delivery time and it often was left to another day. I was planning on using Rod & Staff's grades 5-7 Bible series with DD12 and starting with the beginning in grade 5 ("God Chooses a Family") for the chronological overview. I'd use CLE but I showed DD12 samples of both and she said she liked R&S MUCH better. I have a copy of a TM and it looks like it's written for classroom use, etc., but I know I see a lot of people post about how they use R&S independently. 


Now, I also wanted to spend some time going through some content together and particularly to focus on discussion, application, and memory work. BSGFAA REALLY seemed to fit the bill with all of that. I've looked at lots of good options but I keep coming back to it again and again, particularly because of the extent to which the manner of using it across different ages is already prescribed - but yet we are still covering the same passages, memory work, and generally application as well.


Please don't say "Oh, you should just ____." Maybe some day but for right now I really need more hand-holding.


So my question is, am I trying to do too much? Would we do BSGFAA every day during family/morning meeting time and only have them do Bible curriculum say twice or three times a week (I think both are easily adapted to that)?

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Two official curriculums may be too much :). We do Bible together at the breakfast table. One chapter aloud daily, rotating between OT and NT, followed by discussion over the meal time. Then our family prayer time to close.


For formal Bible studies chronologically and independently, we do use CLE. The chronological sequences start in 2nd-4th (plus elective) and 5th-8th (includes mapping, concordance, atlas work in those levels as be years to on). We are very happy with them. I've never used Rod and Staff, so I can't speak to that :).

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A LOT of families do devotions daily, that's what our discussion time is in part. We also do another time of singing and memory work together. You could call BSGFAA that if it works for you. Then it might not seem like too much. I would try to keep it more oral though, more devotional, and less or to paper - the CLE will cover that.

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