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On the paperwork I have for homeschooling, it says one of the things my son should have by the end of next year is

speaking/listening as part of his English/Language Arts. Naturally we do book reports and he does science

and history displays at our home school group nights. Do your dc do anything else to cover this requirement?

Just planning my ds last year and don't want to forget anything.



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I used MFW for my youngest, and in 12th grade they include a semester of Speech using Secrets of Great Communicators.  (My son did that piece as dual enrollment, instead, using a college course called Interpersonal Communication.) 


I know in past years, some of us have discussed how we included listening to famous speeches in our year(s).  That's a possible component of a Speech class (MFW 12th grade also does that as part of their US History).  However, typically "Speech" includes speaking aloud in front of an audience.  When ds did a co-op Speech class in 7th grade, they began with reading a children's storybook aloud, progressed to teaching the class how to do something, and eventually did a group project that included a formal speech.


Back-in-the-day when I was in high school, I went to several public high schools in the same state.  The last school I went to (the one I graduated from, which I attended for one semester) required Speech class in order to graduate, so I had to take it that last semester.  However, other schools in the same state didn't have that requirement.  So it varies.




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Thank you Julie. I am looking into Secrets of Great Communicators but I can't seem to find examples of what the text actually looks like.

Christina, there are some samples at Rainbow, not the easiest to see, maybe this link will work https://www.rainbowresource.com/viewpict.php?pid=027113


The author's website also has a place to "ask a question about this product," so maybe you could ask them for sample pages:  http://www.summit.org/store/Secrets-of-Great-Communicators-TRAINING-KIT/


There is also a pretty thorough review at Exodus books:  http://www.exodusbooks.com/details.aspx?id=30669


That's all I could find!



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