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HOD users who use IEW


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Are you referring to the medieval writing in RTR? If so HOD uses it without any other portions of IEW. It *can* be used as a stand alone. We did not care for it. I Had never used IEW so some of the vocabulary was unfamiliar. I personally found this frustrating. Some of the lessons were fun, but after several months we could not take it anymore and dropped it. We did like the vocabulary cards though :).


I hope someone else chimes in with a more positive experience so you can see both sides. I think there are lots of people have used this and been very happy with it.




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Yes RTR plans are specific which is nice. This helps make it work. The assignments are somewhat repetitive. Maybe I should have stayed with it longer. Several years ago I did some research on IEW and just could not like it. But this is just not my teaching style. And I figured why pay all that money for something that doesn't fit. (Don't like videos).


FWIW I use WWE and WWS. Much better fit for my teaching style.


I do hope someone else chimes in with a different viewpoint! :)



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Ok my memory is not too good, but here are a few things I remember. One lesson would have several steps/questions/assignments to it and HOD manual would have the student complete some of them to keep the writing assignment within a reasonable timeframe. If I remember correctly the guide also gave pretty specific ideas of what they wanted. Very helpful. Also the guide would schedule the vocabulary cards.


Does this help some?



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If you are desperate to know I can poke around in my RTR guide for you (or on the FB page). I wouldn't mind doing so. Carrie does break the assignments into smaller pieces and is clear in the RTR book as to what to do next. Some days it takes 5 minutes but other days it takes a long time.  â€‹I really dislike this writing program for DS12 so far and am close to setting it aside. Hoping that we can stop doing KWOs for pete's sake and my already descriptive, verbose writer doesn't need to be told to use vivid language or incorporate vocabulary words. He knows how to do this. Hoping that as we move forward there will be more challenging assignments .... holding on a little longer.  :D

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Thanks Katrina.  The only thing I was wondering is if there were specific parts of assignments HOD systematically leaves out.  I think SWB mentioned to skip the dress-ups and "ly" words. (I can't remember exactly)  But there are so many parts of IEW that I don't care for, and was wondering what things people leave out to make it more tolerable. :)  

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Hi Keri,


Without tediously poring over all HOD units I am under the impression that Carrie omits parts of each IEW Lesson to balance time spent in writing. So far she has not omitted any IEW techniques. You could if you want to though.... It's not like you have to do just what the lesson plans (HOD or IEW) tell you. I don't want to continue using this writing program with my oldest but I'd like to better understand what is upcoming. Perhaps I'll find usefulness in future lessons. We will likely not stay with HOD but I intend to keep with it until we break for a bit of summer.

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