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Has anyone tried Redbird Advanced Learning for 2E Dyslexic?

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I'm probably going to give it a try regardless, but curious if anyone has experiences or has alternatives to suggest. Searching yields limited results.


It's supposedly designed for gifted K-7. I'm thinking of using it for my 2E rising 7th grader that is dyslexic/dyscalculic as sort of a remediation tool.


The biggest concern is mathematics - she has a smattering of problems throughout all areas of mathematics, mostly related to arithmetic, or that seem suspiciously learning-disability related (such as she understands fractions as a concept, but then randomly confuses numerators with denominators. She may be owning it one week and then confused about it suddenly out of nowhere. Or she may multiply flawlessly and then suddenly struggle to add two simple numbers.)


Reading/spelling/writing wise she's actually doing incredibly well. All her language-related test scores are in the gifted range, but in her writing (essays and such) we still see a disproportionate number of weird sentence fragments and odd little things of that nature. So I was thinking the Language Arts program is worth getting too.


We had great success with Orton Gillingham when she was younger, but now that she's approaching 13 years old, insecure, and emotional, I hesitate to take on any program that seems too babyish. Someone suggested a math approach for the dyscalculia elements similar to OG where you go back to the rawest basics, and at this point even if that approach is effective I feel like it would be too discouraging to be effective for her. I am liking Redbird because it is multi-sensory, and geared towards gifted kids so even if she dips into lower grade level stuff it might not seem infantile.


I feel like she is on the cusp of being entirely self-managing with her learning disabilities, but also like this is a pivotal year to really shore up those remaining weaknesses.


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