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Planning early for 9th grade.

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Hi, I usually post on other areas of the board. For the last couple of years, my daughter has part-time homeschooled. She homeschooled almost all her 5th grade year, and this year, I got a job as a teacher at a new school, and she has been attending some classes for her 6th grade year. Next year, she wants to go full-time to 7th grade. The school is a good, private school and only goes through the 8th grade. I am fine with her attending full-time for the next two years since I teach there. However, I doubt we will have the money for a the more expensive private high school, so we are probably going to homeschool again in high school. In Florida, she can take electives at public schools, so I plan on her continuing band and maybe an art or computer class. Would you think virtual school would be good for her, or something else. When we homeschool now, we are using a Charlotte Mason type of plan. I would love for her to continue that in high school,but I'm not sure if that would be right for high school.


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Do you live within easy travel distance of the public high school, and have you talked to other families who have done this?


Around here, the public school will schedule part-time classes at the school's convenience, not the student's. So, you may end up with computer at 2nd hour and band at 6th hour. And a two-peroid dead time where you're not allowed on campus (maybe your high school would at least put her in a study hall???).  Add in the travel time, and it becomes a very inefficient way to learn.



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Do you live within easy travel distance of the public high school, and have you talked to other families who have done this?


Around here, the public school will schedule part-time classes at the school's convenience, not the student's. So, you may end up with computer at 2nd hour and band at 6th hour. And a two-peroid dead time where you're not allowed on campus (maybe your high school would at least put her in a study hall???).  Add in the travel time, and it becomes a very inefficient way to learn.

This. I have friends out of state whose kids attend PS for electives or music, PE, etc. and this is how it works.

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Do you live within easy travel distance of the public high school, and have you talked to other families who have done this?


Around here, the public school will schedule part-time classes at the school's convenience, not the student's. So, you may end up with computer at 2nd hour and band at 6th hour. And a two-peroid dead time where you're not allowed on campus (maybe your high school would at least put her in a study hall???).  Add in the travel time, and it becomes a very inefficient way to learn.


They do that without talking to the student first? That seems inefficient, as the student will likely just drop the class that doesn't fit into the schedule or try and pick up something else last minute.


Our high schools treat part-timers more like college students. You make an appointment, come in and see what classes are available and at what times and you sign up for the ones that fit into your schedule. My dd and I have an appointment tomorrow morning to sign up for fall classes. She has the classes she wants listed in order of importance. Tomorrow we will see which classes are open and fit into my schedule. :)

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My kids took some classes at the local public school and it worked out very well. Yes, they had to take classes that fit our schedule, but the school can only offer so msny sections of some classes. I can't imagine expecting the school to reschedule class offerings based on DE students.


One of my kids continued to homeschool throughout highschool ( graduating this year!). My other son decided to enroll at the high school full time.


Homeschooling high school can be done in a variety of methods. I try to stay flexible. :). My son ended up dual enrolling at the high school or university for all of his science classes and mist if his math.

So many options are available and the high school board is a great place for brainstorming and finding solutions that work for your child .


Good luck! :)

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