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I am lovin' Saxon Math for K-3


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My boys are in levels 2 and 3. It is so nice to have everything laid out so plainly. After putting so much of my own stuff together, it's actually nice to have something scripted.


The review is fantastic. Right now, it's still all review, but I want to make sure they get a solid start. I may have to do a little skipping.

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A great secret is, that if you do all of the morning/daily exercises (calendar and lesson), you are also incorporating mental math, which is what Singapore is heavy on. Try to do all of the suggested daily work (eventually, if you are doing the calendar boxes/mental math boxes and lessons, you can cut the mixed practice down to odds or evens each day). Even though after 6/5 we switched to Life of Fred, the Saxon rewards for us have been amazing. I wish you continued success!

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More saxon lovers here. I'm currently using 1 and 5/4. We used 2 a couple years ago for my ds and K for my dd. I thought K was a bit slow, but now that I look back she really enjoyed it though which is probably what accounts for her loving math. My ds loved 2 but I got a serious case of "the grass must be greener" and used Horizons 3 and K last year for them. It was a huge mistake. We've now switched back and we all love math again. My son loves the new format of Saxon 5/4 which is something I was really worried about and even though I've thought of doing odds or evens, he loves doing all the problems. My dd is loving 1 and I'm looking forward to eventually doing K with my youngest next year or the one after that.


I know many don't like scripted lessons, but I love that it's all there for me. I don't have to use it but it's there if I need it.

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We love Saxon too! I started my oldest with MCP K - 3. She loved the few weeks about measurement, time, etc., but the rest of the year was just page after page of fact practice. She didn't retain much with the mastery method, and she hated staring at those long pages of problems to solve. I switched her to 54 last year with the DIVE CD,and it was so much better.


My 2nd dd, I started with a MCP-type program. She hated it, too, so I decided to give the lower levels of Saxon a try. My dd started leaving me thank you notes around the house for her new math program! She's doing Saxon 1, and her younger brother is doing Saxon K.


I love the Saxon K program for preschool! It's fun, has short lessons and doesn't require writing! He thinks it's playtime with mom!

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