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Thyroid testing?


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I did a general search for thyroid issues and I didn't seem to find a question quite like this, so I apologize if I missed some thread that's already covered this. I had my first prenatal appointment with my midwife yesterday and she asked if I have any family history of thyroid problems. I don't as far as I know, but she decided to order a thyroid test along with my other early pregnancy blood work anyway. She has taken care of some of my family members, so maybe she knows something I don't, but it seemed odd to test it when I haven't complained about any symptoms. I did mention that my weight has crept up since I turned thirty. I hadn't seen her since my last baby was born in my late twenties, so maybe that was a concern? I'm about ten pounds heavier than I was when I was then.


So, all knowledgeable hive, any thoughts on what she'd be concerned about? It was kind of in passing that she added the test and, pregnancy brain and all, I didn't think to ask more about it then.

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If you are hypothyroid and untreated, it can cause some risks for the baby.  If you are treated, there are no risks.  She may want to err on the side of caution and just make sure your levels are within range.  I would consider it a good sign that she is thorough.

(There can be clues of hypothyroidism hidden in other ways--unusually low blood pressure, liver #s being off, etc.  Perhaps she saw a possible indication and just wants to rule it out.)

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