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Scholarship Luncheon

Night Elf

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Does anyone have any experience with these? I realize they may be different but I truly have no idea what to expect. Ds was awarded a small scholarship and he must attend a mandatory luncheon. We have no details about it yet. He has Asperger's so social situations are really hard for him. I'm thinking he won't be able to bring a guest so I won't be there to guide him. Is there anything I can do to help prepare him?

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Congratulations to your son!   Beth I'd call them to find out what to expect and if parents or guests are invited as well.  There will probably be some speakers and the scholarship envelope may be handed out to them individually.  You can prepare him with how to receive the envelope in his left hand so he can shake hands with his right and say thank you and to turn around and smile if there's a photographer.  Recipients are usually just there to receive the scholarship and not speak, so he shouldn't have to worry about that.  Does he know anyone else who will be attending?  If so, maybe you could request that they sit at the same table if you are not able to be there.  You can tell him that as a general rule to take his cues for what to do by being aware of what others are doing.  Generally try to keep table noises down when speakers are speaking, but sometimes there's no other time to eat than when someone is speaking.  Maybe you could find out if it's sit-down or buffet style so you can prepare him more specifically.  You can also ask if any faculty will be present and if they'll be seated at the tables with the students.  If he's familiar with one, maybe he could be seated at that table.  Hopefully someone more familiar with Asperger's will be able to give you more specific suggestions.

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I'm hoping when we get more information they'll let us know if it's a sit-down or seated affair. Would it be weird for me to call someone, maybe the person who sends the letter? I don't want to be THAT mom, kwim? He's just really nervous about it. Unfortunately, he doesn't know anyone who will be attending his college and also doesn't know professors.

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Maybe you could write up an email together and have him send it from his email address?   That way it comes from him and it would be perfectly normal to say that you'll be giving him a ride and ask if parents are able to attend the luncheon or is it for the students only. If he has any dietary restrictions he could ask about that as well and might get more information about how the lunch will be served.   You might also try googling for last year's luncheon and see if you can find any pictures or info.  If there are photos, it should be fairly obvious if parents are in attendance.  You/he can also speak with someone at the disability office and ask them your questions.  I'm assuming that he'll be working with them this current year and it doesn't hurt for him to become acquainted with the counselors.  Maybe a quick visit ahead of time to chat with them and then you could also peek in on the room where the event will be held.  Just seeing the room first might help him to be more comfortable there when it counts.

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