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Any resources for Harry Potter themed word problems for middle school / Algebra 1?


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I am NOT creative enough to do this on my own. Title says it all. DD is dyslexic and her panic over word problems is bringing down her entire Algebra 1 grade, because she sees the words and panics without even attempting the problems (as in, it brings a test that would otherwise be an "A", to a "C", because she melts over the word problems unless I walk her through each and every one. We are spending the next week learning how to break down word problems and number sentences/phrases into easy-to-swallow chunks. 


What she would REALLY love, is anything related to Harry Potter, though ;)

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I'd just print some word problems off and change the names to Harry and Professor Slughorn and Voldemort or whoever.

You could have rate problems on different brooms with varying wind currents, Ratios of muggles to wizards or earwax flavored jelly beans to orange flavored... Or you could give her a regular problem, help her solve it, then ask for her to design a harry potters themed word problem on the same topic.

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