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Moving - My Accountability/Motivation Thread


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I have a can opener, but am still missing a vegetable peeler. We got a lot of work done on setting up the new homeschool room this weekend. It's so much better than before, when our only room was a bookcase and the dining table. We can actually leave work and projects out while we eat!

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I have a can opener, but am still missing a vegetable peeler. We got a lot of work done on setting up the new homeschool room this weekend. It's so much better than before, when our only room was a bookcase and the dining table. We can actually leave work and projects out while we eat!

Hmmm...I haven't found my vegetable peeler yet.

I'm looking forward to setting my school room up. As part of the renovations I added a bedroom. It's sole purpose is homeschool/toy storage. I'm so excited!

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