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Moving - My Accountability/Motivation Thread


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The renovations on our house are almost complete! (There was a house fire last April). The contractor says no more than 3 more weeks. We have to be out of our rental by the end of March. So...moving! Moving with 5 kids is an interesting experience. I hope to stay ahead of this move so it is as stress free as possible. Help me stay on top of it!


I've been working on using up what's in the pantry and freezer.

We packed all the boys clothes they won't need before the move. This weekend I will pack DD's and possibly mine.


I've separated out toys and school things we will use until we move. This weekend I will pack up what we won't need before then.


Today we cleaned the main floor, magic erasered the playroom walls and spackled the obvious spots. Need to sand and paint spots when dry and look for additional spots to spackle.


99% of toys are out of reach to prevent messes. Landlord is listing the house on Thursday and says prepare to show the house by next weekend. *Joy*


This Weekend


Pack DD extra clothes

Pack my extra clothes

Pack not needed toys and school stuff

Spackle, sand and paint

Clean basement and close off for kids

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We are also moving. Luckily the landlord is moving back in so we don't have to worry about showings. The truck arrives in 20 days.


Today we cleaned out the master bedroom closet and all that's left are clothes and an empty suitcase. DH is on a Goodwill run and then will pack the closet stuff we're keeping into boxes. (It's currently all over the bed!)


I'm moving on to the kids' closet things and wrapping breakables throughout the house in bubble wrap.


We did our change of address form today and ordered some shelving for the garage at the new place.

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We are also moving. Luckily the landlord is moving back in so we don't have to worry about showings. The truck arrives in 20 days.


Today we cleaned out the master bedroom closet and all that's left are clothes and an empty suitcase. DH is on a Goodwill run and then will pack the closet stuff we're keeping into boxes. (It's currently all over the bed!)


I'm moving on to the kids' closet things and wrapping breakables throughout the house in bubble wrap.


We did our change of address form today and ordered some shelving for the garage at the new place.

That's progress :)

Good luck with your move!

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Tonight I cleared out the little boys closet and worked on packing the toys and school stuff we won't need until after we've moved.




Are you planning on packing during the week or just weekends? I think I'm going to have to put in some time each day. Maybe 30-60 minutes.

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Are you planning on packing during the week or just weekends? I think I'm going to have to put in some time each day. Maybe 30-60 minutes.

During the week too. I work 2 days a week, so not those days, but the others, yes. It's taking me a LONG time to get boxes packed because of all the little "helping" hands!

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We will be moving to our new house in 20 days, too. I haven't started packing a thing. We are kinda minimilist so I can't really pack anything until right before because we use everything we have. Maybe the rarely read books on the shelves, the school stuff on hold until after the move, but that's it. I cleaned out the garage weeks ago when we listed the house. HUGE trash pile. It was so fun to see it all go. I felt bad for the trash guys. We hadn't gotten around to putting out the stuff from Christmas! Then there was the Goodwill run that took up the entire back of my Sienna.


I am not looking forward to the cleaning bit. The house we are in now is small. If I moveout clean now, it won't stay that way. I'm hoping we will have a few days after we move out to clean before the closing.


You guys are so awesome with your packing/cleaning. Such an inspiration.

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We will be moving to our new house in 20 days, too. I haven't started packing a thing. We are kinda minimilist so I can't really pack anything until right before because we use everything we have. Maybe the rarely read books on the shelves, the school stuff on hold until after the move, but that's it. I cleaned out the garage weeks ago when we listed the house. HUGE trash pile. It was so fun to see it all go. I felt bad for the trash guys. We hadn't gotten around to putting out the stuff from Christmas! Then there was the Goodwill run that took up the entire back of my Sienna.


I am not looking forward to the cleaning bit. The house we are in now is small. If I moveout clean now, it won't stay that way. I'm hoping we will have a few days after we move out to clean before the closing.


You guys are so awesome with your packing/cleaning. Such an inspiration.


I'm a minimalist at heart but I live with 3 people who are not. I tell myself it's just for a season, right?


Packing went well today. We didn't put in as many hours although they were more efficient until I had computer problems. I thought I would make a computer backup prior to the move just in case and I ran into technical problems and wasted time there.


I'm totally over the "helping hands" thing and have hired a homeschooling friend to watch the kids for a few scattered days between now and the move. 


I'm glad to hear things are going so well for other folks!

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I was supposed to work today, but we have another snow day!! Everyone slept in :)

Today I'm going to focus on finishing up the toys and school stufff on the main floor and then move to the basement.


We were supposed to have school today, but with kids started coughing during the night and now have fevers. I'm going to try and get some stuff sorted in our school area. 


Good luck!

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:thumbup1:  Finish today!


I haven't done much moving stuff because we've tried to compartmentalize the days. Yesterday and today were decided to be regular school days. Tomorrow-Sunday will be more packing days.


DH did some stuff though. He's been supervising the painting of the place we're moving to and has gotten permits for blocking the parking for the moving van on both ends. He also talked to the city about what permits we would need to do some work we want to get done on the new place.

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Today Is another snow day! I finished the kid stuff on the main floor yesterday and also cleaned off the top of my desk. Today I'm going to catch up on some cleaning and laundry. I'm not going to get much packing done with DD home from school. If I get lucky I may find time to pack a little in the basement or the upstairs bedroom closets.

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Basement is clean and bottom 2 shelves of kid bookshelf is packed! Basement is vacuumed. DH is on his own with his man cave/office. Not touching that with a 10 foot pole. After dinner I'm hoping to pick up the bedroom level and vacuum. That's as good as it's getting I guess for "showing" this weekend.

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We packed the linen closet, most of the toys, schoolbooks that are on hold, and the large bookshelves today. That's about all I can pack until right before.


I haven't started the cleaning yet.

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You're doing great!


We took our first pass at the kitchen yesterday but we lost time because there was a problem with the paint for our new place and we had to to there, then the hardware store, then back. But we did get quite a bit done and I feel mostly on track.


Today is a day for us to get a lot done. Wish we hadn't lost an hour...

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You're doing great!


We took our first pass at the kitchen yesterday but we lost time because there was a problem with the paint for our new place and we had to to there, then the hardware store, then back. But we did get quite a bit done and I feel mostly on track.


Today is a day for us to get a lot done. Wish we hadn't lost an hour...

I'm with you on the lost hour! Even when you try to plan for it....

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We had people looking at the rental house today. Wow, do I hate having people I don't know in the house!! I miss MY house and am soooo glad the repairs are almost done! I stopped by yesterday and the kitchen is done and bathroom tile is done. The flooring is there and will be installed this week! Woo hoo! Then I can start moving our stuff in. I've packed as much of the kids stuff as I can already. There's some stuff I can pack in my closet and in the basement. I'm going to work on that this week. And up keeping the "showing" level of clean. More appointments this week, landlord says.

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Just checking in since you labeled this an accountability thread. How are things going? :seeya:

Lololol! Thank you! How is it going at your end?


I haven't gotten anything else packed, but we have survived 5 showings of the rental house. The best one was the one that started telling the landlord about how her pit bull clawed holes in the wall of their last house. As the color drained from his face, the landlord said " so you have a pit bull? There is a $500 pet deposit...." I have to give him credit for keeping his cool. What's wrong with people?!?!


The flooring is going in at our house! When it's done we can start moving our stuff over. There's not much left I can pack. I do have a huge pile of stuff ready to go to the baby consignment store. I'm trying to talk DH into taking it this weekend.


I need to shop for mattresses, a dining table and bar stools. Everything else can wait until we get moved in and decide exactly what we want.

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We're doing okay here. The next 3 days are a big push to get some things done. DH took today off so we can make better progress.


The painting is almost done at our new place. Maybe a few more hours. We're having someone come and clean up the new yard. It's a big job and we're really busy right now.


Then the top of my "to buy" list is an outdoor table and chairs. We really want to do schoolwork outside this spring and summer and we need a place to do that. The only thing I bought in advance of the move was the garage shelving, which we need to get assembled so we can unpack onto the shelves.

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Lots to do this weekend.


We're going to finish up the dining room/homeschool/filing area. That's for today.


Tomorrow we're going to pack up the entire basement. Luckily it's not big but there's some stuff to sort through and I want to catch up on laundry before we pack the supplies. We also need to take apart some shelving to move to the new place.


I have to confirm with the movers and make lots of other little calls like the carpet cleaners and the insurance agent.



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Lots to do this weekend.


We're going to finish up the dining room/homeschool/filing area. That's for today.


Tomorrow we're going to pack up the entire basement. Luckily it's not big but there's some stuff to sort through and I want to catch up on laundry before we pack the supplies. We also need to take apart some shelving to move to the new place.


I have to confirm with the movers and make lots of other little calls like the carpet cleaners and the insurance agent.

You're getting there!


The landlord rented the house for April 1. That means no more showings!


This week I'm going to pack the remaining things in the basement. Hopefully we will be able to start moving into the house this week! I really miss my house. I was going to hire out the move out cleaning, but I think we're just going to do it ourselves this time.

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They tried to turn on the water at the house today and it doesn't work?! There is some speculation that a pipe from the well to the house is broken and will have to be dug up?! How long does this kind of thing take? We are supposed to move in in less than 2 weeks!


Oh no! I don't know how long something like that would take. Maybe it depends on the depth of the pipe and how cold the ground is?


We're moving tomorrow and I'm not ready. I'm running out of energy though. I need a couple more hours to be ready so I think I'll just get up even earlier tomorrow.

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May I join in? We're moving too. My house is a disaster. I'll be taking another load to goodwill in the morning and moving boxes into the garage. I'm ready for this part to be over. :-P




We're moving tomorrow but I'll still be here for unpacking support and to support y'all. Did I mention I don't like unpacking?


Be ruthless with getting rid of stuff! I wish I had been more, I was in the beginning, but got lazy later.


When is your move?

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Oh no! I don't know how long something like that would take. Maybe it depends on the depth of the pipe and how cold the ground is?


We're moving tomorrow and I'm not ready. I'm running out of energy though. I need a couple more hours to be ready so I think I'll just get up even earlier tomorrow.

Uuggg! Its not that cold. They should be able to dig immediately. The speculation is that the workers were driving up to the front door to unload stuff, which is right on top of the well line!! I'll find out more today.


The renters fell through for the rental house, so more showings. Maybe this is a good thing, as if there's no water, we can't move!


Good luck on your move today! I hope it goes as smoothly as possible :)

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May I join in? We're moving too. My house is a disaster. I'll be taking another load to goodwill in the morning and moving boxes into the garage. I'm ready for this part to be over. :-P

Sure! Welcome :).


I second the getting rid of as much as possible. The less you have, the less you have to move (and sort and organize). I agree, be ruthless.

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Well, we're on the other side!


We moved into our new place yesterday. It's in the same area so we left some fragile stuff back at the old place. Plus we have to go back and clean up and I'm going to grab all the cabinet and shelf liners (they're ours) and install them here before unpacking the new kitchen. I had a leftover steak taco with yesterday's coffee for breakfast.  :laugh:


The kids didn't even sleep here last night. Our nice neighbor at the old house was watching them and they were playing there  with their friends during the move. We were still busy around dinnertime so she offered them dinner, and when we went to pick them up after dinner they'd planned a sleep over! It was strange to spend the first night in the new house without the kids.


Now we have lots of unpacking and fixing up. (It's an old house with a weedy lot for a yard.)


MomOfABunch, sorry to hear of your troubles, although I agree it's better if you can wait to move if you have no water.

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Unpacking has been slowed down by still needing to go back and clean up the former house. We've also had a lot of people coming out to do planned repairs, furniture delivery, etc at the new place, plus friends and family stopping by to see everything. This weekend will be our first chance to really dig into the unpacking.


Unpacking has become a bit like a cross between Christmas and an archeological dig. We found the silverware this morning! No more plastic knives that won't cut anything!


I'm sending you good vibes on the water well and the move. When's your actual move date?

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Sunday we can start moving into the house. But today there's still no water....

We have to be out of the rental by the 31st. Mattresses will be delivered Monday, so I was hoping to move the kids Monday afternoon. The rental furniture gets picked up Tuesday from the rental house.


Idnib, silverware helps!

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OMG, I thought that I started early and was ahead of this move!!!! I'm wishing I had everything packed last week! Tomorrow I have to finish packing the kitchen, the kids clothes and the basement closets. And move the baby furniture (why are cribs so hard to take apart!?!)

I packed a bag for each kid with 4 changes of clothes and everyday must haves. I think I'll be really happy I did that in a couple days.

I was able to hire someone to do the carpets and the move out cleaning. I was going to do it myself, but with the issue with the water, I had a much shorter time table than I was planning. They will both be here on Tuesday. Also, the rental furniture pick up is on Tuesday. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel....

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95% finished!

Sleeping at the new house tonight! The rental furniture people showed up today instead of tomorrow. 😳 That was interesting. They totally rolled with it and we're really nice that we weren't ready for them. Very stressful. I may have threatened to murder all of my children......j/k (or was I?). Finishing up the last 5% hopefully before the carpet cleaners arrive at noon tomorrow. Am I supposed to vacuum before they come?

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