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Raining and pouring


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Ok. I tried to be diligent in shopping. I thought we would be ok. I had bought all the meat I figured we would need for the month.


I didn't figure enough for the other stuff. My mom put some on the WalMart card. I bought some more dairy and other things that I can't get for free. So that gave us some breathing room.


Then it happened. Our freezer failed taking most of the meat with it. I have to wait until the 3rd to go to the food shelf and until the 9th to get our food stamps again.


I don't know what to do.

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Hugs, OP!  This is a tough scenario for sure.


Stretch out what you can.  Now is the time to use every single thing in the pantry - even the weird things.  


Find out if your community has a soup kitchen or other place that serves free meals that you can get to.  Even one meal a day would stretch your supplies with growing kids.


In your sig, your youngest is a 4yo?  Are you getting WIC for him?  It might not help now, but can stave off problems in the future.


Does your community have an emergency food charity?  I volunteer with one here that delivers three days of emergency food supplies to families in need.  Google "your community name" emergency food.


Are you a member of a church or similar organization?  Call the office - sometimes they will have a special fund for helping members in crisis.  In this case - a crisis brought on by freezer failure.


Hang in there.  I will be holding good thoughts for you and your family.

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