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Another NCAA question

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I was reading through the NCAA website and noticed something that has me slightly confused :


Under the FAQ  (opens PDF) for homeschoolers it says the following:



Are parents allowed to graduate students?

Only two states impose high school graduation requirements on homeschoolers:

New York and Hawaii: Require the home schooling record to be reviewed by a local school which issues the diploma. The state department of education may also issue a diploma. The GED may also be used as proof of graduation.

then further down the page under What documents are required?


Also, if you were home schooled in New York or Hawaii, please note the NCAA Eligibility Center cannot accept “proof of graduation†from a diploma issued by a home school in New York or Hawaii. New York and Hawaii do not recognize diplomas that are issued by a home school. If a a student is home schooled in New York or Hawaii and does not graduate from a high school, that student would have to provide a GED certificate in order to meet the NCAA’s graduation requirement.


But under the Homeschool Information link it only mentions New York and NOT Hawaii:


If you were home schooled in New York, please note the NCAA Eligibility Center cannot accept “proof of graduation†from a diploma issued by a home school in New York because the state of New York does not recognize diplomas that are issued by a home school. If a student is home schooled in New does not graduate from a high school, that student would have to provide a GED certificate in order to meet the NCAA’s graduation requirement.


The FAQ is dated 8/1/14 and the Information sheet is dated 9/22/14. 


Does anyone know which one is correct (we are in HI, so it makes a huge difference).

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Well I called and found my answer.  Apparently in the months both pdfs have been up no one has noticed the inconsistency. According the the customer service rep, the FAQ is correct. :( So if he wants to participate he would have to get his GED. I don't know how I should feel about that as I've always read getting a GED is a bad idea.

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I saw a post about this last night and it made me so frustrated. I would like to think this is a misreading of Hawaii homeschool law, but I'm not hopeful.


The implication outside NCAA is that HI would consider my kids not to have graduated high school. I have no polite words to say about this.

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I am trying to figure out how they move from the simple fact that the HDOE doesn't issue diplomas to homeschoolers to a position that HI homeschoolers are therefore without any diploma. How is this any different than VA, which doesn't issue diplomas to homeschoolers or CA, where homeschoolers register as small private schools?


HI will issue a statement that a family complied with the law regarding homeschooling. My kids do great in school and have high test scores on all kinds of exams from the SAT to the National Latin Exam to AP exams. But somehow that isn't enough to go play a sport in college.


I'm so tired of the you're-not-good-enough litany. Especially from NCAA.

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I haven't been back in HI long, but it does seem like info on the state org sites is rather scarce. And any high school level homeschooling is less common. Competitive athletics even less common.


It will make me sad if it turns out my son can't be eligible in the eyes of the NCAA. But not sad enough to compromise his academics.

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