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can we talk about late to launch kids

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My niece never did launch.  She's 28 now and still living at home.  She did 2 semesters of community college.  I don't think she even has a job.  If she does, it's part time for minimum wage.  She did live away from home for a few months but it was a disaster.  She ended up with no job and no place to go, and no real options for finding either one.


It's not the end of the world.  She does a lot of housework so her parents have time for their jobs.  When her parents get sick, she's there to take care of them.  (They don't just get the flu.... we're talking hospitalizations where someone needs to be there to care for them when they come home).  When her parents go on vacation, she's the housesitter and dog walker.


I suspect her parents wish she'd find a goal and maybe move out eventually for HER sake (what's she going to do when they're gone?), but they've come to terms with the fact that this is just who she is.  No amount of pressure or peer embarrassment resulted in her getting out on her own two feet.


Yeah, they might be enabling, but the reality is that if she were booted out she'd end up homeless.  It's as if she's a bit disabled -- but not recognizably so or she'd be able to get on to disability or something of that nature. 


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