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Quality private assisted living/adult foster care homes in Elkton, MD/Newark, DE area?

Sherri in MI

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My sister finally agreed that Mom needs to be in one because she can't be left alone.  Now we have less than a week to find one and convince Mom to move.  She's with my sister & her husband, temporarily,  in their one bedroom apt. right now.  Mom only has her income from Social Security, so all of the nice, big communities are out of her price range.


I'm thinking of those small ones that people run out of their homes.


Also, do you know of any agencies that would help us find with emergency housing?



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Adult Protective services were helpful (I think they are county-based). My FIL is in a private assisted-living home in Whiteford, MD. It is a beautiful home and he shares a spacious room with another man, so it is affordable. Most residents have memory issues, but are ambulatory.)


Here is a listing of places. My FIL is in The dacota and we are very pleased with the all-inclusive care he is receiving.http://www.providerdata.com/Search#ps=l&l=elkton,md&d=1000&tl=long-term-senior-housing&trv=0&aco=0&assisted-living=True&pageSize=25&feature=sku-2011-pd-featured&loaded=125&sp=12868&uid=5

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Thank you so much!  That list is sooo helpful.  Now if we can get her to go!  We have a call in to Senior Services, they were closed today.  The problem is we have no power of attorney or guardianship, but she can't stay with my sister.  She needs a place to live and she really can't be alone.  Hopefully they will agree and will help & be able to work with her & gain her cooperation.

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Sadly this is not an area I'm familiar with. I know there is Little Sisters of the Poor in Newark which takes low income elderly with different levels of care available but that is all I know about them. I'd give them a call to just see if they could be an option if I was you.

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