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I see Sam books


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We've been using these (along with The Reading Lesson) for my 5 year old.  I got the ibooks free as the http://www.readingteacher.com/version.  These are the original versions till book 50 or something right (if not let me know, I could purchase the ones we need)?  We are on Book 28 and I want to go ahead and buy the set we will need next (or go ahead and buy them all, my son really likes them!).  Can someone point me in the direction to buy the original ones?   I've read some info in prior threads and gotten a little confused.  Do I need to buy used or can I buy new?  Thanks!

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Yes, the first 50 from Reading Teacher are the originals. Like 4littlewomen said, you can order from Academic Success for All Learners. They will have all 8 sets (they have color and black and white books to choose from (the stories are the same). The first 2 sets are the first 50 books, so you should start in set 3 when you are done with book 50, or maybe 52?


Depending on how patient and persistent you are, you might be able to get them for free (in pdf form) from:






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Depending on how patient and persistent you are, you might be able to get them for free (in pdf form) from:




I have the older ReadingTeacher ones (black and white) up to book 52, which is BRI 1 and BRI 2 in the sets, which we've read on our tablet.


If you e-mail Dick (3rsplus "at" usinter.net), he'll be able to e-mail you BRI 3 (and onwards) a few at a time as you need them.  He's been pretty quick to reply to my messages this week.

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