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Stuck in IEW, now what?


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I have been doing IEW SWI-A with my 5th grader for 1.5 years now.  We are stuck at the Story Sequence Model section.  I just do not understand it at all.  We've watched and re-watched the videos.  I don't get it, she doesn't get it.  Unfortunately, she hasn't retained anything from the last 1.5 years and can't produce even a basic paragraph.  Do I call it quits?  Stick it out?   If I move one, what do I use? 

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To understand IEW better, it is recommended to also get the teacher videos. Do you have them?


I think you could easily move on in IEW it is just story sequence that she doesn't get.


If she isn't retaining anything, then maybe something other than IEW would work better for you. I'm not sure. My oldest was an extremely poor writer through elementary and middle school. It has now all fallen into place with Brave Writer - both their ideas (Writer's Jungle) and their high school and family courses.

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