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Order of math courses?

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What do you think? Should it be Algebra I then Geometry then Algebra II? Or do the 2 Algebra's together then move into Geometry?


I know the public schools typically do Geometry in between (but that doesn't necessarily mean it is best practice). What do you all do?


I'm a little ahead of myself but I am looking towards the future in planning. Ds will be doing Algebra I in 7th grade at the rate he is going now and I am wondering what he should move into for 8th grade.

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Jann in TX about this. She's recommended a lighter version of Alg. 1, then Alg. 2, then Geometry with younger students, followed up by a more rigorous Algebra II/Trig. after Geometry.


This has been my experience: we used Lial's Introductory Algebra in 8th grade with my oldest and middle daughters. Lial's is a very thorough and not necessarily easy program; in fact, I think it's pretty rigorous. They did fine in 8th grade. However, when I had my oldest do Lial's Intermediate (which would be equivalent to Algebra II) in 9th grade, she failed the second semester of math miserably! It really damaged her confidence in math.


So, the answer may depend upon the curriculum you've chosen. With a more rigorous program like Lial's or Foerster's, I would say definitely not. Do Algebra I, then Geometry, and then Algebra II. With a different curriculum that's a bit lighter in its approach, then you may be able to do what Jann has suggested.



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This is the schedule I am following:


8th grade Algebra I (youngest is here now)

9th grade Algebra II

10th grade Geometry (oldest is here now)

11th grade Trig/Pre-Calculus

12th grade Calculus (optional)


I think schools follow the Algebra I - Geometry - Algebra II track because most kids take Algebra I in 9th grade and take the ACT/SAT (for the first time) in 11th grade. It seems to me that Algebra II after Algebra I is the most logical progression.


Denise in NE

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Oldest ds, math-bright:


8th-Alg 1

9th-Alg 2 (this was Lial's Int., the one Michelle referenced)



12th-Calculus, Statistics


Middle ds, math-challenged:


8th-Lial's BCM (Prealgebra)

9th-Alg 1


11th-Alg 2 (planned)



You do want to have some geometry in the mix before taking PSAT's/SAT's, which is why students who don't start Algebra until 9th grade often take Geometry in 10th. For a student who is cruising through Algebra in 7th or 8th, I don't think the order really matters.



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