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How to fix a thumb wrap pencil grip...

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Anyone know? I've really put this off long enough hoping it would self correct but ds is in 4th grad now, and it's not. The plan is to do a considerable more amount of writing this year, but I know if I don't get this fixed or at least start, it won't be a pretty sight. I'd like to see what I can try to do at home before I seek out OT.

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Anyone know? I've really put this off long enough hoping it would self correct but ds is in 4th grad now, and it's not. The plan is to do a considerable more amount of writing this year, but I know if I don't get this fixed or at least start, it won't be a pretty sight. I'd like to see what I can try to do at home before I seek out OT.


Is it affecting his ability to write neatly? If not, it may not be worth worrying about.


However, you can purchase cheap pencil grips that show where to put the fingers for good grip. They have a star where the thumb should go. They aren't very comfortable, but they may help. Once your child gets the hang of it with this one, switching to another type of grip may help him hold on better.


Another, even more uncomfortable option (but which will straighten things out in a hurry) is the Zaner-Bloser pencil frame. I know they still sell it, so if you can't find it on the site, call and ask about it. It is impossible to hold a pencil the wrong way with this thing, but it does feel uncomfortable. With one of mine, I just had to threaten getting out the frame again for the thumb to hop back where it should go and stay there for a week or more.

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Is your Ds's writing legible to others and comfortable for him?


I have an extremely awkward grasp (I "clench" the pencil), but I have the best handwriting of almost everyone I know. In elementary school, I got in a lot of trouble about how I held my pencil, yet my handwriting was always legible and didn't hurt.


However, if he IS feeling pain and his handwriting is illegible, that's a different story.

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BTDT. Maybe my experince would help.


There are probably 1,000 different grippers you can buy to put on a pencil or pen. We bought ours at an art supply/educatonal store in town. My seasoned advice is to buy all the variations and figure out what shape and size *he* likes the feel of at home. Then go back and buy up their stock!!:tongue_smilie: They disappear fast around here.


There are plenty of ways to improve the pincher grip with non-paper and pencil work.


1. Ds had an art teacher that would remind him gently to hold his brush like an artist. Two ideas here...get someone else to mention it and teach the proper grip with a paint brush.

2. Dd has a game called String Along and it is a "sewing game". The "needle" used properly helps to strengthen the finger muscles. Look this up - it is a hit here.

3. Raised thumb tacks (you know those colorful ones not the metal ones) used to poke holes through paper in a shape or on a coloring page. But do it over a carpeted floor...really.:tongue_smilie:

4. Finger foods...like favorite cereals with no milk or spoon.

5. OT told me that dd throws her whole body into it because she lacks the muscle strength in her shoulders. So we did some large muscle work...like wheelbarrel races and push ups. Dd maybe different than your ds....only you could tell if he is twisting his whole body and overcomensating with his fingers too. We also worked on positioning of the body when writing...like using a foot stool and sitting properly.


Some people would say at his age that the shaping time is over.....not sure how I feel about it as we started and finished OT in 3rd grade with dd. It helped and she learned to hold it right.

OT was big about praising dd up and down for everything she did correctly. She also kept lessons short and frequent. Overall, my advice is get the grip right and then expect it for increasing amounts of time.


I hope this helps a little. If I can do OT at home, so can you!!

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Actually, his handwriting is legible, but not improving. I know lots of people who grip the pencil funky and have nice handwriting-dh is one of them. However, he just admitted to me he used to hold the pencil the same way ds does and he hated to write because it hurt his arm/hand. I see this happening with ds which is why I am trying to catch it now before it become a real handicap.


I'll be off tomorrow to the teacher store to get some new grips and I'll try the thumbtack thing, too. I also got some of those Big Ticonderoga Black Triangle pencils to see if maybe that doesn't help.


Thanks everyone.

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  • 3 weeks later...

:001_smile:I wanted to correct my 9yodd grip. She was using her middle finger to grip with. I wasn't given much encouragement but proceeded to try and change it in the following way:


She agreed to try for 1 month to use "the claw" www.writingclaw.com. At the end of the month she was to receive $5 and a new book. She was to use it for all writing/drawing activities.


After 1 month of having developed the proper grip using "the claw", she had to go another month with using the proper grip without "the claw". At the end of that month she was to receive the same reward. She agreed and I am happy to say that it succeeded in changing her grip!!!! :lol:


Now, with my 7yods I just have him use a pencil grip I bought from the school supply store and I don't have him use it all the time, but when he doesn't use it, he still does not have a proper grip. He is still not writing much, so I am not going to focus much on it with him until he is a little older and then probably go through the same type of procedure if he needs it.


The claw is great! www.writingclaw.com


Terri in WA

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