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Do We Have Any Experts in Hair Color? Need Advice


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I am trying to save some money by coloring my own hair, as my hair grows very quickly. My roots are mostly gray and the current color on my ends is a medium coppery auburn red. My recent attempt at color did not turn out well. My roots were far too light when compared to the rest of my hair. I left the color on the roots for 30 mins, then pulled through the color on the ends for an additional 15 minutes. Total time on the roots was 45 mins.


I used Satin Hair Color from the beauty supply with the special developer for gray coverage. As I recall, the color was a level 5RC. I like how the ends look. The 5RC seemed to match well with what I had previously, but how do I get my roots to match? Do I need a different color for the roots and then pull through with the 5RC? How do I know which color to pick so that my roots don't end up much darker than the ends?


Thanks for any advice. 

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I've never had this problem, but I've heard it is a common one. The ends of your hair 'grabbed' more than the roots.  You did process it correctly, by doing the roots more than the ends etc. I think in hair dye lingo your 'roots are hot'


You might try googling something like hair dye roots lighter  or roots hot and see what happens.  I know at Sally's they sell something called a 'protein filler' that is supposed to prevent that from happening. You get the 'neutral' and mix  certain amount with water and apply it to your hair.


You mix the filler in a spray bottle, wash your hair and towel dry, apply it all over to damp hair (like flip your head over and work it through) and then you colour your hair




There is also this, a pre-colour treatment




This is supposed to help with even colour, but I haven't use it.


I have used the protein filler, but my hair has always grabbed evenly. I just use it because it is good for my hair and it makes it look nice after it has been coloured.


And just because I love to share, lol, this is my favorite Sally's product:



You apply it after you wash the colour out of your hair. It causes the hair cuticle to flatten back down, after it was all roughed up from the chemicals. It is also a ph corrector.  I have red hair and red fades quickly. I buy a big bottle of this and use it every time I wash and it really helps keep the colour in my hair. I use it after shampoo but before conditioner.


eta: I've been dying my own hair for about 15 years. You get better. Heck, hair dye has got better in that time, lol. Keep notes of what you did and what you used and your results so you can repeat what you like. If you are doing a single process, dying your own hair is really simple and what you can buy at home is so much better than it was years ago.  Do some research and learn about the process and don't be afraid. It's not that big a deal. I learned a lot just by poking around the Sally's website and looking at all the STUFF that is available to enhance the process and different brands etc.

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Cute, look what I found:



I haven't watched it, but I will.  And lol at the celebrity photos of hot roots. It's good to know that you can pay $$$ for a pro job and still get them.

I watched it. I already do what he says though. I noticed a long time ago that there is always a bit of the pure white stuff in the tip of the applicator at the beginning and have always squirted it out first since then. 

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