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Exercise Thread ~ November 16th-22nd


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Brave woman!


I woke up to rain so hikes and dog walking will be interesting today ;)


MA folks, what kind of MA do you practice? If I were to do anything aikido is what most draws me.

I do a form of MMA - Goju Shorei systems- of karate, jujitsu, and weapons (though I've not started weapons yet) I think Akido would be fascinating too- in my case we found a dojo we fell in love with before we really knew much about the different arts. the best art can be a nightmare at the wrong place. Today i spent over an hour on jujitsu with a black belt ( from TKD,) and a blue belt (Brazilian jujitsu). It was open mat- not a class, but they spent their time helping a newbie like me and never once did I worry about injury even though both of them could have squished me at any time and the blue belt is a strong 6 foot guy. They were both so patient. Our dojo just doesn't allow ego and it stresses a family atmosphere and the sensei really keep up with everyone. I love love love MMA:)

Btw- we do point sparring with pads not the UFC stuff on T.V.


I tried a different place years ago and wasn't impressed- there was no team feel and the Sensei were always talking about bar fights they had been in. Not my thing:)

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