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Silvermoon/Winter Promise users


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We've been eyeing Adventures in the Sea and Sky, but we'd be new Winter Promise users, and I'm not sure what we'd purchase for our crowd. I'd love to hear from anyone who has actually handled & seen these materials!


Our school aged kids would be 7, 9, 11, and 12 years old (2nd, 3rd, 5th/6th, and 6th/7th grades). I see we'd need the S&S core, but I'm getting lost when I look at the various add ons. The supplementary books from other titles we'd want to purchase separately from another place.Do we need two copies of the kit for younger folks, or does just one suffice? And the core says it is for 4th - 8th grade, but the supplement for older kiddos is for 7th graders. Which is most appropriate for a 12yo who is a voracious reader, but inexperienced at CM style narrations? And, again, two copies (for the two older kids) or one to share? How "sappy" are the activities? When I hear "activity" I think glue sticks and glitter, which makes me cringe, let alone my crew of boyish boys!


Any other suggestions? I'm looking for world history that the school aged kids can do mostly together. I greatly value open and go, as I'm teaching piano part time and we're foster parents as well. (We've had the most adorable baby girl for six months now!!) The kids have been at a classical Christian school the last two years, so this will be a transition year for all of us. 


Thanks so much!



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Hugely helpful, thank you so very much! 


Silvermoon, now that you are actually using the curriculum, how satisfied are you with the content? It sounds like it does a terrific job of capturing interest - are you satisfied with the world history covered, and the science involved? In other words, would a student come away with a reasonable grasp of the historical events covered, and are true strides made in scientific learning? Would you want to use the curriculum again with a younger student?

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