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Ambleside users...some advice please


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I started my ds10 and dd8 this summer in Year 1 mainly as a test run to see if AO would fit our family.  It seems to be a winner so far - we only have about 9 weeks left.  I would like to continue using AO but I'm unsure if I should keep the kids combined or if should separate them.  Dd8 would definitely go into Year 2.  I like being able to read to everyone at the same time vs. reading lots of different books to different people.  Yes, ds10 could definitely take on some of the reading responsibility and would have to if I put him in his own year (maybe Year 3?)  I know the site advises placing each child in their own year but I was wondering if anyone combines kids with a two year age gap and how you've found that works for you? 



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I would think that you could keep them together if you really wanted to do this. Year 2 roughly covers the medieval time period, so you could keep them together but make adjustments for the older student by adding some independent reading and altering the narration/writing expectations. IMHO, I think that a 2 year age gap is small enough to avoid the issue of combining becoming a problem as the older student moves into the upper level. Even when your older student is ready for Year 7 (which would be at age 15 if you continue to stay with AO and move both up together one Year each year), your younger student would be 13 and could easily do the same Year with him since Year 7 is designed for ages 12-13 roughly. The upper level work in AO is quite stout and with minor adaptations can be made right for a high school student. At this same pace, your older student would finish AO in roughly Year 9 or 10. But, in the end, you may wish to move your older student onto his own Year at some other point in the future. Definitely, allow yourself flexibility with this.


I do have some book suggestions for combining students of your ages in the medieval time period and many of the books that I use are also used by AO. You're welcome to take a look at it and see if it gives you any ideas for books to add for your older student, if you'd like.




I haven't had time to finish all of the work here, but there might be some links for coloring pages, resources and book suggestions you might like.

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I'd keep them together for the core readings and have the older child read some of the free reads from 4-6. Your younger son will be able to read those same books to himself later.


AO is a mix of progressively harder books and books assigned because of their chronology. Don't be afraid to look ahead to free reads all the way to year 6.


Year 6 is one term of modern history and then 2 terms of ancient history. I look at finishing the first term of year 6 as the end of the history rotation and the end of 6th or even 8th grade.


I like AO 0-6 much better than years 7-12. Finishing term one of year 6 is fine to finish for 8th grade and then use something different for high school, or piece together a high school program from years 6-12.

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