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Knoxville, TN Kroger stores -- local people help, please?


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Our extended family is meeting up at a vacation rental in Andersonville, TN for Thanksgiving. We'll be driving on Wednesday, arriving probably late Wed night.


So we've collectively decided that ordering one of those "Thanksgiving meals" from a grocery store, complete with everything, is probably our best bet. Then, we can selectively pick which family favorites we want to be homemade and make those, and not make ourselves crazy all day Thursday trying to cook and finding out that we're missing X or the kitchen isn't stocked with Y.


Kroger is a known entity to all of us, so we were thinking of ordering from them. (Although I'm open to other suggestions!) But I'm totally unfamiliar with the area. Google will tell me which one is closest to our cabin, but I know that often grocery stores, even chain stores, vary greatly in their "feel".


(When my husband was in school, we lived in a town with HEBs. Each one had a nickname, including the high-end one which was HEB-Majal, and the one near student housing which was affectionately known as Ghetto-HEB.)


So if you're from the Knoxville area and have an opinion about the Krogers there, could you let me know which you'd order from, if you were ordering your Thanksgiving dinner from them?


Google tells me there are stores at:


5201 N Broadway St
Knoxville, TN 37918


6702 Clinton Hwy

Knoxville, TN 37912


2217 N Broadway St

Knoxville, TN 37917


4440 Western Ave

Knoxville, TN 37921


4414 Asheville Hwy

Knoxville, TN 37914




(Feel free to message me if you'd be more comfortable. Thanks again!)

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