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Year One is complete now!

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I just wanted to share that I've finally completed the Year One curriculum. You can download and print this from my blog, A Mind in the Light, for free for now. It is 319 pages long total. This total does not include the printable art collections and the supplemental pages for science and nature study. I will have to remove this and the rest of my work by the end of this year as my account with Adobe for my files will expire. Feel free to let me know if you see any mistakes. I can correct and then reload after the correction.


I hope to move everything to a web site and offer everything for a fair price through Lulu. I haven't even begun to work out these details but I hope to offer all in printed form and in electronic download files. I also want to set up a bookstore through Amazon to make ordering the books for each year easier, but this will all be a work in progress.



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