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Resources about Providing Grace

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One of the most memorable experiences I have had in the last five years was when a retired pastor gave this lecture about providing grace.  He used all these various Jesus parables - many of which I have forgotten - but his message was more about how it is becoming increasingly important and very rarely taught.  My son and I are now talking extensively about how to go about allowing people grace.  I am finding that it is an area I'm not the most adept at and I really need to learn more.  Afterall, lead by example, right?


Does anyone out there know of resources, websites, lectures, audio stuff, whatever that might really discuss this subject?



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The best place to start in being gracious and forbearing toward others is to understand more and more deeply God's love and grace toward YOU!! Read and re-read the book of Galatians. :)


Here are some resources I'd recommend:


Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus. It's an excellent book about parenting in the gospel instead of focusing on outward conformity and how to show grace to your kids while training their hearts to obey and follow Jesus. The author, Elyse Fitzpatrick, does interviews and whatnot, but I'm not into videos much so I can't recommend any particular ones. A google search will turn up some of her stuff.


Check out Paul Tripp's stuff. http://paultripp.com/


I also really like The Grace Awakening by Chuck Swindoll. God used it to get me out of a critical, judgmental, legalistic mindset over 20 years ago, and it really changed my life.


I haven't read this one, but it's along the same lines and it comes highly recommended by many people I know: What's So Amazing about Grace?


I may come up with more later, but that's a start.





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