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Those selling houses - how are sales going in Florida?

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Our house goes on the market in under two weeks. We are trying to be positive. But our three top choices for houses to purchase have all been on the market over 300 days. That certainly doesn't sound promising for us. Anyone from Florida have a recent, positive house selling experience?

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I'm afraid I can't give you to much good news. We had a rental and our own home up for sale since May. I had plenty of calls off the ads and sign (It was listed in MLS, but with my number). I only showed the rental three times. We took the signs down last week, our tenants are signing another years lease! Yay for us, hopefully next years market will be better.


We also have another property that's for sale or rent. I'm afraid I've only shown it once for sale. I've shown it plenty of times for rent, unfortunately nobody seems to have the money to rent it!


Hopefully someone else will have more positive experience to share!


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We had our house for sale from last May until January of this year. We finally just rented it out. We aren't in Florida right now, but I have a friend that is a realtor there. She says it has picked up a little bit since winter, but nothing major. Our tenants want to buy the house, but aren't sure they can afford what the mortgage would be. We have to decide if we are going to rent for another year or relist in January. Ugh! I don't want to think about relisting it. I wish I had a better story for you.

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