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How to help dd with non-fiction summaries


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Could anyone give me some advice on how to help dd with summaries? In MOH, she is supposed to make a memory index card for each lesson. She's really struggling with it. She did a research report last year and didn't seem to have a problem, so I'm thinking the fact it was about a person made it easier somehow.


Does anyone know of a specific approach to teach making a summary of material? My first thought was to outline the material, but I'm not sure that's a good way to start.


Thank you in advance for any ideas!

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We did not do the memory cards the way they were intended, but I did have my dd outline and/or summarize certain lessons. After she had some trouble doing that, I looked at it and it is hard. The reason is because her organization of information is not very clear. I actually gave up on it after a while. Now, SOTW is perfect for summarizing and outlining.


I don't know how old your dc is, but is this something that you could work into lessons with another resource, maybe in science or in some of his/her additional history reading. Oh, and if you dc has never done summaries of one paragraph, that would make a huge difference.


Now that I've criticized MOH for its disorganization -- how'd you like mine. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:tongue_smilie:

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