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What to pair with BYL? Anyone want to share?


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We are doing BYL for 5th this year (American History).  Very excited about it.


I can't decide on what to pair with it, though.  I think I've got grammar narrowed down (Winston Grammar, not one I see mentioned here often), and we'll do TT for math.  


I'm waffling on spelling.  AAS doesn't work well for me - it's too fussy, too many pieces, I think. We tried Sequential Spelling last year, but it didn't seem to stick.  So I want to look at other options.  


And I'm stuck on science.  Elemental Logic Biology looks like it will be just above my 5th grader - he is not a strong writer (he has had serious vision struggles).  The material would be fine, but I think he'll get more out of it if we wait a year.  So I'm looking for a different secular science.  


If you're doing BYL, what are you using alongside?  What am I missing?

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I'm doing 5th grade BYL also!  In additon to BYL we are doing the Time4Learning Biology, Math Mammoth 6, WWS (going to take it slow and easy), grammar voyage (as a standalone not using the whole MCT prgoram), Spelling/Vocab I am going to just go from the books that we are reading.  I figure between the history books, readers, poetry, art, and literature there will be at least 10 words each week that I can make into a list.  When are you guys starting?  We plan to start on the 25th.  Super excited to use BYL.  Would be great to hear how it's working out for you as the year goes :-)

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I'm doing 5th grade BYL also!  In additon to BYL we are doing the Time4Learning Biology, Math Mammoth 6, WWS (going to take it slow and easy), grammar voyage (as a standalone not using the whole MCT prgoram), Spelling/Vocab I am going to just go from the books that we are reading.  I figure between the history books, readers, poetry, art, and literature there will be at least 10 words each week that I can make into a list.  When are you guys starting?  We plan to start on the 25th.  Super excited to use BYL.  Would be great to hear how it's working out for you as the year goes :-)


Sure, we can compare notes.  :)


Thanks for sharing what you're using alongside.  I am still waffling, sadly, and can't seem to quite make up my mind.  Aaaaaggghhhh!


We have a few MBtP units to finish up, then our Not-Back-to-School Vacation, and we start the second week of Sept, so we'll be slightly behind you.  Can't wait to get started!

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