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Trying to plan out dd9's fourth grade year, and I need some advice on implementing our ELA program.


She needs practice on dictation, so we're definitely going to use WWE's dictation exercises 2x/week. We also will do narrations on our history reading 2x/week. (This worked well for us last year.) We do some writing for science (recording observations, etc.) but not a lot. The part I'm not sure about is how to handle literature narrations. This year all of our literature will be novels from the 1,000 good books list, which will take us 2-4 weeks each to complete. Do I have her write a narration a couple of times per week about events in the book up to that point (or since the last narration)? Narrate the chapter/selection she read that day? Just use the narration exercises from WWE and let her read and enjoy the literature for its own sake?


I'm also drooling over Killgallon's Sentence Composing, and I think she would enjoy it, so maybe it would be better to drop some of the straight narrations and use that once a week instead? Too many choices!!! :willy_nilly:


She is a good reader/writer (3+ grade levels above) and fully capable of writing multiple narrations per week. She doesn't beg to write them or anything, but she doesn't hate them either. Would you drop something? Add something? Keep this schedule?




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I just discussed lit with my 4th graders, and plan to do the same for my rising 4th grader. No writing. She'll also have written summaries in her geography notebook and work through writing curricula daily. (This DC creates and writes stories for fun all the time.)

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Concerning written narration in literature, I would choose one book to narrate. Schedule a chapter to be read once a week and then written about. The rest of literature just let her read and enjoy. Just an idea.

She could also do a narration from science and history, plus once a week in in killgallon.

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