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Re: My past questions/posts about logic stage writing

Colleen in NS

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I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to any of you who have helped me think through all of my questions specifically about WTM/Writing Without Fear writing techniques. The ones I can think of are OhElizabeth, Rhondabee, Peela, JennW in SoCal, Shukhov...but if there are more, please know I am forever grateful! And of course, SWB and JW :).


By going through this process, I feel as though I have connected many dots - I could see the bigger picture, but I needed to know how and why the lines connected the dots to make the big picture. I finally have my detailed plan on paper of what to do, and why, and how, for each year of grades 1 to 8, with goals for the end of 4th and end of 8th (if WWE had been out before I'd taken a child through grade 4 already, I'd have snapped it up and saved myself a lot of work - although, I still want to find a copy, to see if I need it to fill in any gaps I missed - plus, I'm hoping SWB's logic and rhetoric stage writing books are out in the next few years, cuz I know she'll cover ALL gaps!!). And a weekly chart for each grade to tell me when to do copywork/dictations/narrations/outlines/rewrites and in which subjects. (all subject to tweaking, as always!) I went out yesterday and sat first in a library, then when that closed, in a grocery store parking lot, neatly writing out my previously scribbled notes (I don't have a word processing program right now) into a plan that I can use with my kids. I felt SOOOO relieved when I came home last night!!


I can definitely understand now why the process of writing helps train the mind in clear thinking! I've needed to ask lots of questions and do a lot of putting words on paper, and then editing and scribbling and changing, in order to clarify my thoughts on all this.


Thank you, wonderful boardies and fellow homeschoolers!


Now I must go pack for a week of camping......

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Now I must go pack for a week of camping......


Hey, Colleen! I am checking the boards for the first time in weeks. (We still don't have internet at home.) It's so good to hear from you!


Thanks for your encouraging post. My 5th grader has really been struggling this year. I knew it would be tough, but knowing something will be tough and living through it are often two different things. :tongue_smilie:


Keep on keepin' on!


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