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Curious about Standardized Tests

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I am interested in learning about the various nationally normed standardized tests, the differences between them, the benefits of taking them and which ones should I choose if I am interested in giving them to my children.


I am quite ignorant about these tests. When I was a child in New Jersey, we took the CTBS test each year. After that, all I remember are the PSATs and the SATs.


We live in Florida so I know about the FCAT. To comply for Fla. homeschooling law, I have chosen to have portfolio evaluations by a teacher. I also have my kids reading tested by a teacher, but that is just to help me know where they are at and as a guide for curriculum planning.  I routinely give them Singapore math tests to check their progress and spelling tests, but otherwise I don't test. We do narrations and summaries and writing exercises and discussion. This is how evaluate their progress. My children are doing very well and I am pleased with the route we are taking.


I don't know if it might be helpful to introduce some tests to my children. and I would like to perhaps try administering a timed test just to see how they do. Are there practice tests I can purchase?

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I live in a state that requires testing, but not annually. For our first yr of testing in third grade a few yrs ago, we used the piat-r, administered by a qualified tester. No bubbling in, all verbal, didn't take long, and a nice way to start my somewhat anxious child off. He actually enjoyed it. This yr we did the EXPLORE through Duke TIP. Piat-r is on our state list of approved tests. Explore is not, but doing an above grade level test was somewhat informative. We did the Explore in a yr where testing was not required in our state.

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