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My two oldest came home from college Saturday

ChristyB in TN

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They attend the same college and share an apartment and also wait tables in the same restaurant, It is unusual for them to be off from work at the same time so it was awesome to see them here on Saturday! My son has a girlfriend we've met and we just love her. She even went to the beach with us last month. She is simply lovely. She is smart, funny and I love that she seems to think my son hung the moon. :) My daughter surprised us with her boyfriend and we.... (wait for it)..... think he's fantastic, too! What are the odds, for goodness sake? He seems considerate and he seems very bright. He is starting his last year of college and he also works full time in his own business. I'm enjoying this while it lasts. Thanks for letting me do a little cheer. ;)

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If I could just get my adult children to stagger their times of crisis I would be thrilled. Don't they understand I'm old and that I can't take it when they all have some financial/love life/academic/health/whatever issue at the same time???? 

I'm not asking that all of them be happy all the time.  But really, only one or two with issues at the same time, please. 

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OP... I remember your sweet post from about a year ago mentioning that your dd (and your socks!) were about to go away to school and how much you were going to miss her.   :grouphug:   What a lovely and joyous update to read.  The fact that you like both of the "new friends" is beyond fantastic!


Enjoy your summer...

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OP... I remember your sweet post from about a year ago mentioning that your dd (and your socks!) were about to go away to school and how much you were going to miss her. :grouphug: What a lovely and joyous update to read. The fact that you like both of the "new friends" is beyond fantastic!


Enjoy your summer...

Oh, thank you! I can't believe you remember that. :) I am happy to report that the only thing I have that went to college this time was a pair of sandals. I watched them walk to her car and I wondered what else went with them, so far that's all I have found to be missing. I haven't replaced the earrings that went last year. They came home one weekend and took Every last box of the tea in the pantry! Lol

Which reminds me of a story....

My son was walking from his car into his apartment and another college student ran to him and asked to use his phone. Luke said that he could and to come on in because evidently the kid was very upset. The kid called the police and told him there'd been a shooting at the house he was living in which was adjacent to the apartment complex. My daughter says that Luke immediately made him sit down and made him a cup of camomile tea and told him it "is supposed to be calming, Dude." Lol my son is a 6'5" athlete who took this kid a little off guard with the tea. ;) he asked if it was okay if he carried it back with him to meet the police! My kids went with him and sure enough, someone had shot inside the house. Drugs, I would imagine, but we never found out. At least no one told me. ;) the police officer asked my son where he was when all this happened and they all explained he was just the guy who had a phone and fixed the tea. Love them.

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Oh, thank you! I can't believe you remember that. :) I am happy to report that the only thing I have that went to college this time was a pair of sandals. I watched them walk to her car and I wondered what else went with them, so far that's all I have found to be missing. I haven't replaced the earrings that went last year. They came home one weekend and took Every last box of the tea in the pantry! Lol

Which reminds me of a story....

My son was walking from his car into his apartment and another college student ran to him and asked to use his phone. Luke said that he could and to come on in because evidently the kid was very upset. The kid called the police and told him there'd been a shooting at the house he was living in which was adjacent to the apartment complex. My daughter says that Luke immediately made him sit down and made him a cup of camomile tea and told him it "is supposed to be calming, Dude." Lol my son is a 6'5" athlete who took this kid a little off guard with the tea. ;) he asked if it was okay if he carried it back with him to meet the police! My kids went with him and sure enough, someone had shot inside the house. Drugs, I would imagine, but we never found out. At least no one told me. ;) the police officer asked my son where he was when all this happened and they all explained he was just the guy who had a phone and fixed the tea. Love them.


Saying, " sayonara" to your sandals...  Priceless.   :lol:


Saying, "ta ta" to your tea... Hilarious.   :laugh:


Saying to Luke, " I have never been more proud of you."   A parents dream.      :thumbup1:


I am totally stealing the "it is supposed to be calming, Dude" line!  (My tea drinking dd's will love it!)

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