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Anyone ever go to 'Camp Invention'? Opinions?

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We did it last year and I was not impressed for the $ spent.  My son had a good time, but complained that they never had enough time to build what they wanted.  The end of the week presentation was a mess,it took forever and most of my son's work was taken by other students in his group before he ever got a chance to show us.  He was happy to go because he was able to be with his friend. but when I asked him if he wanted to go back this year he said no.  

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My DD attended a few years ago when she was in middle school. She did not like it particularly, because it was extremely structured and micromanaged and too much like school. A friend's son attended as well and was really disappointed that he did not get to use the tools and actually build something.

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Another slightly negative experience here. Ds went when he was in 2nd and was underwhelmed. Never enough time to really get into a project. I was annoyed at how the administrator (the gifted and talented teacher for the host school) treated the kids.

One positive we did take away - he just *loves* disassembling broken electronics and creating new things out of them. We do that all the time now.

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My DS went and liked it a lot. He was only in 1st grade. I think he may have gone another time when he was in K or 2nd but I'm not sure. I was not super impressed, but DS has always loved to invent and tinker and he had fun connecting with other kids who had similar interests. For the younger kids, my main issue was that the "inventions" were allowed to be more like fantasies. They didn't work and had NO hope of working. I wanted him to make something real. I'd rather they make a real catapult than a pretend machine that can do your homework for you. 


On the plus side, I thought our location was well organized and supervised. The leaders were really good with the kids and were very encouraging. I think our local school subsidized it, so it wasn't expensive, and it was a nice treat for him and gave me time with his little siblings.

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