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Latin Alive vs Latin class- please help me decide...

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I'm considering options for my 11 yo. She's done Latin for Children A, Elementary Greek 1&2.


She has the option of doing a class at a homeschool academy. The Latin classes offered are Intro for 6&7th grade using The Phenomenon of Language or Latin 1 using Ecce Romani. The teacher suggests the class for 8th grade and up and we'd need his permission to take Latin 1. The classes do go on to advanced Latin.


Ideally, I'd like her to take Latin 1. However, the teacher would not let her take Greek 1 using Athenaze along with her 8th grade brother. In fact, he wasn't thrilled with the 8th grader taking it. He said he'd had an 8th grader before and 'she survived'. He'd probably encourgage the intro class.


So, before I ask him, I decided to ask the hive :). Do you think Ecci Romani is too hard for a 6th grader with some prior experience? Do you think Phenomenon of Language would be too easy? It would certainly be expensive if it's all review. Maybe I should have her do Latin Alive! for a year or two and then try to get her into the advanced classes?





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If she's done Elementary Greek 1 and 2, and he still wouldn't let her in the Athenaze Greek class simply because of age, I wouldn't bother getting my hopes up about the Latin.


An 11 year old could do any of the Latin books - the question is can she do it as fast as the older children?


I've never heard of the Phenomenon of Language? From the Amazon info though, I'm not impressed.


If she's only 11, will he let her into Ecce next year if she does Phenomenon this year? What's he consider 8th grade? (My 8th grader is 14.) If he won't, you might as well pick another book because you'll have to next year anyway.

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I've never heard of the Phenomenon of Language?



It's a workbook-based curriculum. The first book in the series covers first and second conjugation verbs (present active), the irregular verb "sum," first and second declension concentrating on the nominative, accusative and genitive, prepositions, lots of derivatives. There are translations and grammar analysis, lots of practice exercises, questions, reviews and grammar lists. The intention is to teach a lot about English grammar by teaching Latin grammar.

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Speaking from personal experience, I wouldn't recommend Ecce, Romani! for a 6th grade student. I used Ecce when I was in high school, so it carries a sentimental nostalgia for me. I tried it, however, for 5th and 6th graders and it didn't work very well. Partly, I think, because of the inductive approach. In fact, I couldn't find a text I really liked for that age group. That is why I agreed to write Latin Alive! Of course I do have a bias for LA. :) You will, however, find that there are a few Ecce influences in LA.


If you should choose Latin Alive! I can guarantee that it would prepare your daughter for Ecce or anything else. In fact, she would be overly prepared. If you choose to stay with Latin Alive, the complete 3-text series would be the equivalent of the full Ecce series, or any other series that teaches all Latin grammar. By the end she would be reading authentic Latin Literature.


Hope that helps some -



Karen Moore

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If I were starting with Latin I with a child that age, I would definitely do Latin Alive. I saw it at our conference last weekend and it looks fantastic. My dd has already done Latin I, and has a preference for what text she wants to use, so I wasn't able to talk her into starting over with Latin Alive... but I can assure you that's the way we'd go if she were a little younger (she's 13) and/or we were starting Latin I from the beginning.


Good luck!


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Thanks Karen, I'm going to try Latin Alive! It looks great :)


Do you think it would work to also do Spanish for Children? My dd wants to do Spanish, and it's another class that doesn't start until 8th grade- not to mention the cost of tuition and books- (yikes!)


I thought it might work because the Latin text would be advanced and the Spanish more of an easy intro. My youngest, a 2nd grader, will be starting with Spanish and they could work together.


Thanks again~

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It might work well. I've known several who have taught/learned two languages simultaneously, and done so successfully. I think it depends on the student. Be warned, however, that lessons might proceed a little slower since she is taking in two at once. That isn't a bad thing, and she/you shouldn't get frustrated by it.

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also are you planning on doing book 2 for next year if we are doing book 1 this year? Do you plan on doing videos?






P.S. I love the book, you have done a great job. I didn't want my 6th grader to have to work at the pace of high schoolers, but she was beyond all the elementary Latin... I'm excited to put her in Latin Alive.

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I am told the TM goes to print this week. That means it will be available for shipping in approx. 2 weeks. The first unit is online temporarily until the printed version is available.

Yes, I am planning (and praying) for Book 2 to be out Summer 2009. It is a little more than half finished, so I do think it will be ready. I am teaching through Book 2 in my own class this year.

We are planning on creating DVD's for each of the 3 books in the LA series.


Thanks for the encouragement!



Karen Moore

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