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Who would you call to fix this drainage issue??


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Our yard is a mess.  We live on the side of a hill and when it rains our side yard fills with water.  There are two city owned drainage holes in our backyard but they are too small and too low so they are immediately clogged when it rains.  The mud in the side yard keeps the kids from being able to play on the swing-set for days after a rain.


Would a lawn company be able to help us?

What do you call someone who is an expert at yard drainage??  I'm clueless.

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I wasn't sure from your post if water was rushing across your yard and flooding everything before it got to the drains or if the drains were backing up and flooding the lower parts of your yard....

My first step would be to contact your city building department and ask them to contact their engineer or whatever engineering firm they use.

Has your yard always been like this? When building plans are submitted for approval, drainage is an important consideration. Perhaps the drains have become clogged? Then drains need to be looked at. Or perhaps there has been some building near you that affects the water flow? It is pretty common for new construction -- homes, pools, etc -- to affect drainage. If that is the case, something needs to be corrected uphill.

I would bother with a lawn company, because the problem may not be originating on your property and also because drainage is not their area of expertise.

If the drains are city owned, maintenance should be the city's responsibility. If some building has been approved uphill of you that impacts on your drainage, that is more complicated. Get a few opinions and don' just go with the first person who says you should dig a trench through your yard, lol.

If the problem is serious, paying for an engineer consult could save you money In the long run.

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