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Anyone use Live and Learn Press for Apologia General?


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I was wondering how you use this. We are just starting and ds will be finishing up mod. 1. Do you work on this when you do the study guide or do you do it while working on the mod.?


Did your dc enjoy doing the lapbook or did they find it busy work?

If they enjoyed it..did it help them?

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I used them for Zoo 1, but not General. In my opinion, they got a little old after a while. There are SO MANY books with each lesson. I guess if I just did a few of them it would have been better. The pre-packagedness look of all the covers (for me) defeated the purpose of a lapbook. They didn't look hand-made at all, which I think is what is charming about lapbooks. However, they were good review.

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I think every child is different. I used them with the Apologia Sea Creatures this past year and my 11 year old loved them. It kept us going. Now she is begging me to get them for her for General.

If you have a crafty kid it may make science more interesting.

My daughter would add her own drawings and cartoon bubbles to make it her own style. It made science notebooks more doable for us this year.

She is in a co-op for science this next year and her teacher saw the folders and wants to order them for her class doing General.

I even used them for my older child doing Physical Science and it helped him because he is very visual.

Yes, it could get very repetitious, but you could just go a week of not using them or do your own random drawings or folds if you like. They make the folds each day very different. Some days you need a brad to make a spinning chart and the next day a mini-book.


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You will be amused to know that after I wrote a slightly negative post, I went and looked at the ones for general science and got tempted by them! :001_smile: So, maybe I'll give them another try, but not feel compelled to do ALL of them. Actually, the ones for general science look much more managable and I like how they are the review questions, put into a more "fun" format. So.....who knows, maybe we'll do it again.

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I have not used them previously. I am going to use them this coming year with DS2 who is going into Gen. Sci.


I think DS1 would have killed me should I have ever mentioned it.


DS2 is bucking the idea, but I'm going to make him for at least the 1st half of the book before I consider what he has to say.


The reason for that is, he really needs lots of help / re-enforcement, in order to do well on tests and the General Science tests are "hard" (especially if you haven't done testing before in science). His little brothers love doing mini-books with their studies and I've noticed that he loves going over their mini-books with them over and over; so I'm thinking he'll enjoy going through his mini-books too.


Anyhoo, I could let you kow how the "experiment" goes. . .in about 1 year.

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We are using the LnL lapbook for Apologia's General Science. What I am doing, after getting suggestions from people on the LnL yahoo group is to just use them for the study day(s). I do a lot of the cutting and folding since my dd really doesn't want to do that part and I don't want to add much more to her already large workload. I think the only real benefit, for us, is that at the end og the course, the Lapbook will be something more concrete to see, then if she had just done the study questions on say a piece of paper.





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