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Elemental Science Mish-Mash!

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My 5th grader does not want to spend the whole year next year on biology or earth science, etc..... This year we have been studying chemistry & physics. For middle grade science, she says she would like to choose different topics to study. This says a lot for dd.... She usually doesn't care what she does so I'm happy to see she is showing interest. She would like to study weather, animals/birds, and human body..... Most likely will add sound, light, & energy to that list if we don't get to it this year.

I know I could just get BFSU, but I really don't want to. We are always on the go and organizing homeschool group stuff.... So really want science to be mostly planned out for me!! This is what I'm thinking.... Tell me if I'm CRAZY!

I will use my KF, Usborne, and all the other billion science books on our book shelves.....
With Elemental Science....but instead of using all of bio....all of earth....chem....physics.... I will let the kids pick a couple topics each year from each ( or at least 2) book, then I pick 2 topics.
I then add videos from Discovery Education, Nova, Popular Mechanics for Kids, magic schoolbus, Bill Nye, and a ton more I don't feel like typing from iPad!
So, I'm using ES but in our own order!

Does anyone want to BRAVE the elements and help me organize what topics work well together??

I have ES Earth logic and biology sitting on my shelf....

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I think your dd's plan of weather/animals/human body work fine together.  Maybe some habitat study with climate would mesh well with the animals and weather? This is the first year that I strayed from the WTM plan for science and allowed my younger dd to be part of a science co-op that did a sampling from different areas of science (some physics, earth science, and biology were covered).  She absolutely loved it.  I think part of the reason it worked so well for her is that she didn't become tired of focusing on just one area of science.  By changing to a new focus each quarter, it was kept fresh and interesting.  I also think there is a lot to be said for science to be interest driven to some extent.  I know that next year my dd really wants to spend a lot of time focusing on animals and nature.  I will probably throw in some physics topics in the final quarter of the school year, but otherwise I'm inclined to let her lead the way toward the areas of science that interest her the most!


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