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I started a Whole 30 today.


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I had gotten off my diet (low carb as defined by meat, veggies, butter, cheese, eggs, full fat dressings) during Spring Break and not gotten back on. I have had the Whole 30 material for years, and have been interested but never willing.


I thought a Whole 30 would be a good kick start back into my diet/lifestyle change.


I seem to be HUNGRY today - a phenomena I know from having done low car. I've eaten a hamburger patty, yellow and green beans, carrots, raw veggies with guacamole, bag of almonds, 2 hard boiled eggs, coffee (once this a.m. and one now to get rid of this headache), a Lara bar (we had a field trip to the zoo). I could STILL eat. But I'll wait for dinner. I think dinner is going to be spinach and ...... eggs? Maybe ground beef.


I need a "what to expect on Whole 30" blog.


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