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A homeschool mom I have known for years is I believe, neglecting to educate her daughter.  We have not been in contact much for the last couple of years due to her daughter"s attitude, interests and behaviors. Talking with another friend yesterday, I found out that the daughter plays minecraft all night and goes to bed in the mornings, this is her normal routine.  The mom has told me that her daughter has became agoraphobic and believes everyone is starring at her when she leaves the home.  She has become terrified she will die if she sleeps.  She refuses to participate in any classes or outings outside of her home. She has little contact with friends and is unsupervised on the computer.  Her mother is unschooling her.  The daughter is unable to write simple sentences.  She is 11yrs old.  I am just so concerned about this kid yet I am hesitant to involve myself too deeply or call CPS.  Both Mom and daughter need some intensive help.


Is there a dad in the picture?  Are there other siblings?

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I say this gently. I obviously do not know this family. Only your brief description of them..

 But I would like to say that homeschooling a child with any sort of mental illness or possible Asperger's, or autism or any sort of learning disability does not automatically mean educational neglect.


Unschooling does not automatically mean educational neglect.


You haven't been in contact for years. The parents may very well be aware of any learning disabilities or mental illness or developmental delays. I'd try to be more aware of the situation and help the parents have sought before causing conflict for the family.



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