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The Calvert High School Program Guide was just released

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As soon as I read "all digital" I knew it wouldn't work for my oldest. And I too am one of those who wishes we could use a "school in a box"--we did for K and 1--we used K12 independent and I liked it because we could pick and choose what we wanted to do. But then I decided it was too pricey for what it was, and my son started to move at different paces in different subjects anyway. 


I wish there was a midway option between "high school in a box" and "do it totally on your own".


Have you looked at Kolbe Academy?  You can do it without being Catholic(can swap out subjects).  You get a transcript from an accredited school and support.  You can getting grading services and lesson plans if you want to use any of their curriculum.  If you don't want to use their curriculum you can swap out whatever you want  That is what we are consdiering for high school (we are Catholic)


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Yes, are private schools are $24k+/year….so this is a bargain.  With four kids, the thought of paying $100k/year for them and it's not even college is just not doable.  They don't even offer multi-student discounts.


I have no idea what I'm going to do in four years when DS1 is facing high school.

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