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Cross-post: Switching from MM to Singapore


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We are finishing up MM1 and I'm thinking of switching to Singapore 2A in the fall. My son likes workbooky things, and I think he would be better served by the format and scope of Singapore.


Has anyone switched from MM1 to Singapore 2? Why (or why not)? Do you think this switch would go alright or is there something I need to cover with my son in MM before we switch?


Did you find Singapore more difficult to teach? We already do a buddy-style math where I scribe for my DS and we talk through the problems when he gets stuck.


If we do switch, should I just buy the textbook, the IP, and CWP, or will I likely need more (keeping in mind that I do have MM1-6 for additional review)?


Do you use the CA (standards) edition? I read that these were being aligned to Common Core. Do you know if this has happened yet?


Thanks so much!

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