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I did it! They planned thier schedules


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Whooo,hoooo, This week it finally clicked. Again, I got ALL the books for TOG, and we went through how to plan our week. They grabbed the books scheduled them out, looked at their weekly schedules and scheduled out their work. It took us exactly 45 minutes to do our week for ALL 3. I can't believe it, my ds said, "oh, I get this now".

I was so excited I couldn't contain myself. Okay, time for school in a few:001_smile:

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That's wonderful Fay! We are beginning week two and so far it is going fabulously. My son is loving TOG and even thanked me last night for choosing it. Let me tell ya...that's a first! :lol::D


I got very busy on Friday due to hubby being home so we did not get to our discussion time until last night. We sat down, had our discussions which went very well, reviewed what is coming up this week, and then my son scheduled out his books. I could tell from our discussion that he learned a lot more than I actually thought he would. He could tell me all sorts of facts about the Egyptians, and could answer almost every question I asked. I was quite impressed with his little self! :w00t:


The year is early of course, but so far so good!

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Hey, we are on week 2 also. I did 1 over 2 weeks to ram up slowly and now we are covering ALL our subjects.


Question for ya, are you planning on doing week 3 or skipping it? I'm not sure yet but, I better make up my mind quick!


We are doing week 3. My son learned about the Egyptian gods and idols once before, in 2nd grade, and it was a great way to make connections for him with Old Testament scripture forbidding said idol worship. Even in 2nd grade he totally "got it." He could see how foolish they were to worship them and to think that the Pharaoh was, himself, a god. I am not sure how TOG will cover this material...but I have no qualms about teaching it at all. ;)

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you'll have to keep me posted of any cool things you come across.;)


I sure will, and I hope you'll do the same!


By the way, did you happen to get the free timelines from the Tapestry Year 1 yahoo group files? I just finished downloading them on Saturday. I haven't viewed them all, but it was sure nice to have someone share all their hard work and research. ;)

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Whooo,hoooo, This week it finally clicked. Again, I got ALL the books for TOG, and we went through how to plan our week. They grabbed the books scheduled them out, looked at their weekly schedules and scheduled out their work. It took us exactly 45 minutes to do our week for ALL 3. I can't believe it, my ds said, "oh, I get this now".

I was so excited I couldn't contain myself. Okay, time for school in a few:001_smile:



Good for you! So far my 6th grader is doing well scheduling, and I've been doing most of my 4th grader's. I'm going to try to move him more towards making his own schedule over the coming weeks. We are new to TOG this year and really like it!

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We use TOG, and because the Author encourages to "hand off" the scheduling, I decided to do it for ALL the subjects.


First I made a schedule of what I will do with them, Bible, Character Traning, Read- Alouds, Composer Study, Art, Discussion Times & Picture Study. Then I mad each one of them , their own schedule of Math, Drill, English,Writing,Logic, Piano/Guitar Practice, Typing and reading. They each have a color schedule that matches a colored timer;)

Then I sit with ALL our books, and hand them the reading books they will have for the week. They look at the number of pages and divide it according to when they are scheduled to have history. So for example, on my dd's schedule she is to have read her history book by Wed. because thats when we have discussions. She looks at the book, divides the pages and writes that down in her student assignment book. They also write in the English lesson they will do as well as everything else.

Tomorrow is planning day, it take us about an hour for all three of my kids to schedule their week :)

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