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Has anyone dealt with encephalitis in a child?

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Our good friends and next door neighbors have a 10yo girl (almost 11). Last week she was diagnosed with encephalitis. They airlifted the entire family to a hospital in Hawaii.


My question is does anyone have any experience with it? What kind of time frame are we talking for it to run it's course? If you dealt with it, how long was your child hospitalized?


We are just trying to get a grasp on how long they are going to be gone.



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LOL! Laura your so funny! I'M the one who gave the church the update!


We've (our friends and I) have talked to them both days this weekend and today, but they don't really have any idea how long they are going to be there.


I was hoping someone who had dealt with it could give us a rough time frames as to how long their kid was hospitalized. My son is just really wondering how long they are going to be gone and I don't really have any answers for him. Of course neither do her parents at this point.


Thanks for trying though!



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