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X post: Anyone use Essentials in Writing at the high school level?

Sue G in PA

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I know the high school levels are fairly new. Just curious if anyone uses them and could review for me? It seems that each level is nearly a copy of the previous (same topics covered, but with different assignments). My 11th and 9th graders could use some review and hand-held instruction in this area and I don't want to spend a ton of $$ on a writing class like Bravewriter (though I would love it if I could!) or even Time4Writing (which is cheaper and I heard good things about). Thanks for any reviews you might have!

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Hi Sue,


I've used the 7th-10th grade levels--using 9th and 10th right now. Yes, each year has a lot of similarities in the overall structure (sentences, paragraphs, essays, research), but the examples change, get more involved, and sometimes he teaches different concepts within the lessons. I haven't done 11th and 12th, but one reason my 11th grader is doing the 10th grade level is because I spoke with the author, and he said that the 9th & 10th grade levels were more incremental with more instruction than the last two levels, and that was important to us. 


I haven't done a HS level review, but do have a review of the 7th grade level from when it first came out. The sound quality is definitely better now! I think most of the other things I mentioned hold true for high school too. Anyway, if I can answer any questions, let me know. Merry :-)

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Merry, thank you! My 9th grader will be using it with the new HOD high school guide. Carrie schedules Level 10 (even for 9th grade) b/c of the topics. Do you think a 9th grader who hasn't had a ton of formal writing instruction (other than copy work, dictation, narrations, etc.) would have difficulty with this level? I am also planning to use it for my 11th grader. About the younger levels…if I have a rising 6th grader who has difficulty with basic paragraph structure would I drop him down a level or 2 or can he jump in at level 6? Same with a rising 8th grader who has difficulty putting thoughts down on paper. Thanks so much, Merry!

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Your 9th grader will probably be fine with Level 10. I'm partial to Level 8 myself--I just like how he explains some things in there. So, if she did struggle, you could always have her listen in on the L8 dvd if you get that for your 8th grader.


If you think you'll use it for more than a year, and that incremental instruction would benefit your 9th or 11th graders, you may want to go with the Level 9. The same types of papers will be written, just the topics are different. I don't know how much of a difference that makes with what HOD has planned though. Maybe if everything is integrated, that wouldn't work. 


I actually called and emailed when I had questions, and found the author very helpful. When I started, my oldest was 9th, and the levels only went up to 7th, but Cathy Duffy's review said it could be used for high school, so I did, and that worked out fine here! The next year, high school levels were out, and I bumped my son (then 10th) up to the 9th grade level. 


Bumping a struggling writer to the next lower level has seemed helpful for another mom I talked to online, but a friend with struggling writers has just used the level of their grade, and that's worked for them. So you may be fine either way. If in doubt though, I'd call the office. 


So is HOD including Essentials in their curriculum now? I didn't realize that, that's cool!



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HOD's World Geography high school guide schedules EIW level 10. I don't think it will be a "trend" in future guides, though. You know how Carrie likes to "mix things up" in the writing dept. ;) Ok, so to save in the $ department, I will probably go with Level 10 for the 9th and 11th grader and I have no clue for the 6th and 8th grader. Maybe drop them both down a level to 5th and 7th…decisions, decisions…lol. Thanks so much for your advice. 

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