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Occasionally you get one of those things you just want to share...


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Middle son posted this on FB.


Today in psychology class my professor mentioned the IAT Test and how it shows our implicit attitudes towards social groups, etc. Out of curiosity I went to the researcher's website and took the race test. Looks like my parents did a good job in raising me

#implicit.harvard.edu ‪#‎Only17percentsharethismindset‬




Hubby saw it (since I'm not on FB, but he is) and called me downstairs to read it.  I'll admit it's really nice to get positive feedback from our offspring and that feedback definitely doesn't have to be academic in nature...


Of course, if the hashtag is correct, it's rather sad that only 17% share this mindset - and that, of course, is of those taking the test.

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I love that he gave you and your husband the credit!  :)


He is a natural sweetheart like that, but his FB page isn't plastered with such things, so this is special to us.


And considering my MIL is literally one of the most racist people I know, I'm REALLY glad that was able to be broken and will end with her.  (Neither of my other boys are even slightly racist either.)


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